Saturday, December 6, 2008


Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.


Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.


Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if youneed to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.


People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.


You may never wake up again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trip to the beach again

Recently I have a very little time to update our family and ministry to the blog. There is not much new news except everybody get busier and busier. Jonathan is getting bigger now. he is practicing how to talk. He repeats my word like a parrot. Very cute!

For the momment the Indonesian maid takes care of him in the afternoon so that I can work peacfully. Having a maid in Malaysia is extremely expensive. If hourly maid it costs RM10 per hour. If monthly it costs about RM700 per month, excluding the upfrontRM8000 paid to the agent to apply a maid. Anyway, by God's grace we manage to have a partime maid.

The maid speaks Bahasa so jonathan influences by her. Some time he asks me apa apa that mean what is it? It is fun sometimes. :)

Althougt life is busy all the time, we try our best to spend time with some friends during wêekends. We have a very nice friends around. It is a blessing when we live far from our faimily.

Jonathan sees his papa off at the Penang airport. He also likes pushing things around if has any.

Jonathan and his mum at a foodcourt inside the biggest ShoppingMall. If you have chance to visit Penang you will have a petential chance to shop untill you drop!. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Smile! :)

Do you know why I laugh like this? When we took Jonathan down to the sea and let him plays with sea-water. Suddenly, there was a young boy run to thuong to whisper to her ear that "I love you". When he left, we all laughed like anything. It was fun.

Jonathan's 2nd Trip to the Beach

At first, Jonathan was scared when I let him step on the sand. He cried and cried. But, later on he loves it and wants to play with it so much. Look at him!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Jonathan and his mum

Jonathan at Gurney Plaza

Jonathan was playing with auntie Thuong who is studying at KDU college. Jonathan loves to play with this panda. That day we had a steamboat at one of Korean Restaurant. You just oay RM25 then you can eat whatever you want and like. There are many types of food, from seafood to the husbadary, vegetables, ice-scream...

This is Duc. Duc is also a student at a KUU College that nears our house. Today he is in a very gorgeous suit because he helps me to interprete for a muder case at High Court in Penang. Normally, I attend this kind of Court Case if Eric needs me for the interpretation. Today I am not feeling well so I have Duc to replace me. I tease him a bridegroom today:).

There are many murder cases in Penang area that envolve with the Vietnamese workers. Eric takes those cases also because of the Vietnamese people. He has a great heart for the Vietnamese.
This is Eirc's gown when he appears at High Court. He look s so fat in this gown. I cant see his neck. hehehe.

This is a simple but very meaningful Birthday Party for the workers who has birthday in July, Aug and Sept 2008. Every quarter we have this celebration for them. Many of them have never had such Birthday Clebration when they were in Vietnam.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Very early this year we had a special prayer meeting at Church. One of my prayer was a car granted from God. Thank God, he has answered my prayer. I am slowly considering buying a car for myself. Eric and Papa in-law ask me to buy secondhand first as my driving skill is very amateur.

But, as usual I am stubborn. I prefer a new small car that suit my size and taste. I am considering a VIVA car of local production PEREDOA Branch.

For sure, I will share a pictures with you all when it reaches me.


This morning we went to super market to buy a new pair of shoes for Jonathan and of course some for my own, hummm.

Jonathan loves his new shoes. When we reached home, I took off his shoes, put on his new shoes. I asked him to keep his old shoes. I was surprised that he knows how to keep his shoes. He took his shoes to the same place and put there. He remember where I keep his ball, his toys.

Very interesting and surprisingly, I learn new thing that my little son know a lot of thing. He imitate everything my single action in daily life. The book that I am reading help me a lot in near future.

I am reading the book "Making Children Mind without Losing Yours" of author Dr Kevin Leman

I am reading this book. it is one of the best-selling Author of the New Birth Order Book. this book shares with you how to raise our child. One of the contents are Why reality will work in your home, How to act when they act up, winning ways...The book states that we do not need a community, a village to raise your child. We also do not need the church to raise your child. We need parents to raise their own child.


For last 1o days I had a vertigo. I was taking care of Jonathan, suddenly thing spinning around me. I tried to stand up, same problem.

In the evening, I suffered the same situation. Next morning, it was worse. I could not get up. Eric had help me. He hold me and help me to stand up. Thanks God, I could stand up finally.

Eric took me to the hospital. Dr Sathindren put me in to few tests such as CT scan, Blood test, Urine test, ECG (brain wave). All were done. NOTHING serious in my mind. Dr Sathindren diagnosis my problem is chemical imbalance. Some virus affected my ear that cause this vertigo problem.

Due to this health issue I had cancel my trip to Hawaii. Eric helped me to write a letter to the director of Haggai Institute. They were very understanding and have rescheduled me to the January 2009 course. For that, I wont be able to go also because we have planed to go back to Vietnam.

This is the 3rd time I have canceled my trip to the US. I am sure, God will give me another chance.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grace's trip to the US

I thank the Lord for his blessing abundantly. I have a very nice parents in law. They are very understanding, supportive, caring for my life during my stay with them.

Jonathan is growing up healthy. Eric's job is stable and has whole hearted to the Vietnamese.

The next big blessing is my trip to the US. I have ticket in hand. I will departure on the 27th Sept and back on the 25th Oct 2008. I am excited about it. This trip is for training for the leaders who are working with the developing countries.

God bless you all.

Jonathan at the Toy Shop

The other day we took him to a toy shop. when we reached the shopping center, he was very playful. he just wanted to sit down to play with the fender like a slider. he did not go at all. I had a very hard time to control him. Until I was tired, I also sit down with him.

This is the toy shop.

Jonathan was searching for his favorite toy.

Some Pics of Jonathan

Jonathan was enjoying in the world toy at Gurney Plaza-one ơf the biggest
and most luxurious shopping Center in Penang.

It was very surprised to know that Jonathan likes drawing. I first discovered at Church service on Sunday night on 31st Aug 2008. He borrowed pen from one of Church member then started to draw. But I can not understand his drawing :).

I and Eric took him to the shopping complex to buy a small white board for him to play. Now, he is playing with the white board day and night. you can see it.

Some Pics of Jonathan

EE Team

Last week we were honored to welcome EE Team from VN. They were here for 10 days. They had a very tight schedule with the training. However, God granted them a very blessing students for 2 training sessions in Butterworth and Batu Muang. Time was over, trainers did not want to say goodbye to their students.

EE Ministry is extending in VN. For more info pls visit
We would like to express our deep thanks to EE Team from VN and see you again very soon.


This is auntie Ai Ming's family

In the past week our family faced a very sad new. The new was about auntie Ai Ming. She has three children, 2 sons and one daughter.

Ai Ming is a very committed Christian. Her funeral was conducted at her Agape Church in Subang on Monday. Church members remember her as wife...a mother...a daughter...a aunt...a sister in the Lord and a good friend.

Ai Ming was discovered with a lump in her breast 6 years ago when her youngest son was 6 months. By her faith in Christ, God gave her strength and energy to live like a normal person until now.

Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me. May the Lord watch you and keep you always.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Da hon mot thang qua Anh Lua khong update tin tuc gi tren Block. Ta on Chua gia dinh van khoe va binh an. Be Jonathan da duoc hon 14 thang tuoi. Be bat dau tap noi roi. Be thuong xuyen goi "kaka", "papa", "mama"...Eric vui lam vi thay be moi sang thuc day deu goi papa rat ro va to . Anh Lua thi mong mai de duoc be goi tu "me" mot cach ro rang the ma mai be van chua goi duoc.

Be Jonathan di gioi lam roi. Be di rat nhanh, thinh thoang con chay nua. me Anh Lua du tinh tuan nay se dua be di choi cong vien.

Tuan truoc nguoi be noi nhieu dom do len, bi ca sot nua. Bo me phai dua be di kham bac si. Bac si noi la be bi falls measle. Lo qua. Ta on Chua be da binh phuc. Lai nghich nhu xua.

Cong viec cua me Anh Lua tot lam. Ben canh cong viec chinh bay gio la cham soc be Jonathan, me Anh Lua cung tham gia cong viec tu thien de giup do cong nhan Viet Nam khu Anh Lua dang o. Anh Lua cung co kinh doanh nho. Vua roi, mot nguoi ban da giup do Anh Lua thiet ke trang web nay.

Website nay do mot chi ten la Christa cung trong nhom Business Woman thiet ke. Chi nay gioi lam, hai vo chong co chung kinh doanh ve thiet ke trang web. Truoc khi viet va thiet ke trang web chi den gap Anh Lua vai lan de tro chuyen, phong van de nam duoc nhung cong viec Anh Lua dang lam. Cung de hieu ve so thich cua Anh Lua de co y tuong cho trang web. Neu ai do co tham trang web nay thi cho y kien nha de Anh Lua cho nguoi thiet ke biet.

Cuoi tuan nay co doan EE tu HCM sang de huan luyen cho cac ban trong HT khu vuc Anh Lua dang o. Xin Chua gin giu doan trong suot chang duong. Xin Chua chuc phuoc de nhung buoi huan luyen co ket qua va ich loi. Amen.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Quà tặng

Ngày này năm xưa tôi có mặt trên mặt trên đời
Sinh ra trong dương thế để rong chơi
Bỗng giật mình trong muôn trùng tiếng gọi
Tôi nhận ra rồi cha tôi chẳng xa xôi

Gió chiều về thổi tung làn tóc rối
Làm đóa hoa nở giữa chợ đông người
Làm ánh lửa hồng sưởi ấm giữa biển khơi
Làm sợi dây yêu thương nối kết giữa con người.

Our Friends

Those friends are from Dubai. They just graduated from the University . They visited Malaysia. We met in a trip to Langkawi. I am curious about their costume. They said that in Middle East every woman have to wear long black robe when they reach 17 years old or after the first period.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The visitation of Ps Binh

Last week we were honored to welcome Ps Binh. He visited us for few days in Penang. We were encouraged by talking to him during his stay. Ps Binh was jailed for few years because of following Jesus. He stated that in any circumstances, He follows our Saviour Jesus firmly and is looking forward to serving Him more. We thank the Lord for his dedication.

Travel to the Mountain by the cable car

We had a very adventure feeling when we traveled to the 700 meters above the sea mountain by cable car. When the cable car reached its station it shook strongly that scared me. Once again, Jonathan did not scared at all. He enjoyed himself very much. People said that he is very brave young man!.

This is the peak of the mountain. Here, the air is so cool and fresh. We directed our eyes toward the horizontal to admire what the Lord has created.

Jonathan di boi/Jonathan went for smimming

As I have told you earlier, this is the very first time Jonathan went t o the pool. At first, he was very scared, did not want to get into the pool. But, just few minutes later, he liked it so much. He played non-stop with the water. He cried when I took him out of the pool.

Visit the Bird Park in Langkawi


Đây la khách sạn và cảnh biển gần đó nơi ma Jonathan cùng bố mẹ trong suốt chuyến đi.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Khach den Van Phong

Chieu nay ngoi suy nghi den cac viec can phai lam cho nhung ngay toi bong nhien vua thay chun buoc lai vua thay hang say.

Su chun buoc nay sinh trong suy nghi la vi sap co 8 nguoi khach den o tai van phong trong thoi gian khoang 1 thang. Chua biet se phai lam the nao de tiep don cho can trong. Van phong moi thanh lap duoc vai thang, da giup do duoc nhieu anh chi em nguoi Viet lam viec tai day. Tuy nhien, trang thiet bi van con don so lam. bay gio can phai di mua sam them chieu, chan, dem, goi...cho khach. Day la nhung vi khach dac biet nen cung phai suy nghi xem tiep ho nhu the nao...van de mua ban, nau nuong...nhieu thu qua.

Nhung nguoi khach nay la 8 cong nhan tung lam viec cho cong ty dien tu Polar Twin Advance. Ho bi ocng ty tra luong thieu cho nen ho keo nhau len van phong hoi xem sao. Ngay hom sau ban Giam Doc dua danh sach nhung nguoi hom truoc len van phong hoi ve van de luong bong la khong duoc di lam nua. Tu do den gio ho cu o nha va nho minh giup do.

Ho se den van phong o tam vi la cho ngay ra toa hoa giai.

Ngoi suy nghi mot luc roi lai thay vui khi thay nhu co su dat de cua Chua trong long minh. Minh nghi rang cu don tiep khach theo kha nang va dieu kien co the. Sang cu de ho nau nuong, an uong roi nghi ngoi. Hang chieu minh se danh thoi gian day Kinh Thanh cho ho.

Minh se co gang giup ho het suc. ngoai su tro giup ve mat luat phap minh con co the day ho Kinh Thanh nua chu. Do la dieu can yeu cho doi song tam linh cua ho. Co le it ai trong so ho da tung duoc biet Kinh Thanh la gi? Cung chua biet nua. De mai xem the nao

Xin y Chua duoc nen trong moi su.