Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trip to the beach again

Recently I have a very little time to update our family and ministry to the blog. There is not much new news except everybody get busier and busier. Jonathan is getting bigger now. he is practicing how to talk. He repeats my word like a parrot. Very cute!

For the momment the Indonesian maid takes care of him in the afternoon so that I can work peacfully. Having a maid in Malaysia is extremely expensive. If hourly maid it costs RM10 per hour. If monthly it costs about RM700 per month, excluding the upfrontRM8000 paid to the agent to apply a maid. Anyway, by God's grace we manage to have a partime maid.

The maid speaks Bahasa so jonathan influences by her. Some time he asks me apa apa that mean what is it? It is fun sometimes. :)

Althougt life is busy all the time, we try our best to spend time with some friends during wêekends. We have a very nice friends around. It is a blessing when we live far from our faimily.

Jonathan sees his papa off at the Penang airport. He also likes pushing things around if has any.

Jonathan and his mum at a foodcourt inside the biggest ShoppingMall. If you have chance to visit Penang you will have a petential chance to shop untill you drop!. :)